Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Apr 20 2010 15 More Reasons Why Newspapers Are going Out of Business

Newspaper Clippings

With the supreme rise of the internet, digital media, and cell phones it’s obviously no surprise that newspapers around the country are shutting down an an alarming rate.

The smart ones are moving their readers online while the old school naysayers keep getting beaten down. This is the way of the world folks. You either move with it or you’re gonna be left behind.

While it’s a smaller problem that newspapers face, the inability to edit once a copy is out is something I find quite amusing. On the internet you can make a quick fix. In a newspaper? It’s permanent. So while it may not be the real reason newspapers fail, it’s a damned funny one.

Here are 15 things that should have never been printed

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

Newspaper Clippings

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